Monday, 24 February 2025

3 Useful Tips to Remove the Toy Clutter from Your Home

Sometimes you may find it very sweet and satisfactory, when you have got toys everywhere in your home. It’s a sign that there are children in your home and they are active (and healthy).

However, some other times you may get irritated due tothe clutter. And you decide to remove it. Here again two things occur – you may be able to do it or you may not.

Here are a few tips to help you manage the clutter of toys in your home.

Keep in mind that the ideal number of toys differs from home to home. But these tips will certainly help you reduce this number than the one present in your home currently.

1. Fewer Toys Don’t Mean No Toys

Don’t feel guilty that you will deprive your children from their toys. Convince yourself that you just want to make them manageable.

Even children are not interested in all the toys. You may find that they play more with some particular toys and play less or don’t play at all with certain others.

This means that toys that are not their favourite are just taking the place in your home. This will help you in making your decision stronger.

Start from musical mobile which is certainly not in use if your child has already started walking.

Pack the clean, unused toys in good wrappings and just donate them to nonprofit organisations, homeless shelters, orphanages and the likes.

2. Classify

There can be many criteria to distinguish between the toys that are currently present in your home.

The first criterion should be toys that are favourite and the ones that are not-so-favourite.

E.g. the best kids easel at Step2 Direct you bought last year may be your daughter’s favourite and she doesn’t want to part with it.

On the other hand, she is not very much willing to spend time with the toy car she got as a gift on her last to last birthday. So, you may discard it.

Another criterion can be safety. Toys that are less safe should be certainly disposed of. Has one of the toys hurt your son last month? If it has, toss it. There is no question of thinking twice in this matter.

Toys with emotional attachment can be a huge menace. You know that a toy is not good but just because your mom has gifted it to your child, you don’t want to toss it.

Be cruel with such toys and if they are not good, just throw them away.

3. Purchase Wisely

Children (if they are that older) decide that they want a particular toy. But the actual buying process is carried out by you and it’s up to you whether to buy a certain toy or not.

While buying toys, don’t just buy them to show off the shower of love on your kids. Buy only those toys that are age appropriate and your kids can play with them for long.

E.g. purchase pull along wagon at Step2 Direct and your child will enjoy riding it for years to come.

And if you have too many toys in your home already, just don’t buy more.

Hopefully these tips will help you remove the toy clutter from your home and you and your kids are happy with your decisions.