Friday, 28 March 2025

Best Christmas Cards As Per Your Requirement


Until a few years ago, Christmas e-mails and Christmas SMS did not arrive well with customers and business partners. Not least because many Christmas greetings are stuck in the spam filter because of their subject, because spam emails usually work with such terms. But basically, even in the professional environment nothing speaks against Christmas greetings by e-mail, if they are well done. Even Christmas e-mails that were sent to several recipients are taboo. And all the criteria that apply to the Christmas card made of paper and cardboard, should be considered here. The Police Christmas Cards are there also.

The most important criteria are taste, style and approach. That’s why you should under no circumstances spasmodically funny or obscene Christmas motives select, let alone to write corresponding greetings. The Christmas greetings should instead fit the feast of love. The most beautiful, but also the most difficult is a self-conceived and individually formulated text. In addition, you can also enter into Christmas in its original, Christian meaning, or go straight to sending greetings at the end of the year. After all, maybe not all of your business partners celebrate the Christian Christmas. Anyone who does this clearly sets themselves apart from the crowd and collects benefits from customers, business partners, colleagues and employees.

Christmas cards in large quantities

Anyone who actually has a lot of Christmas greetings to write, of course, not every greeting card personally write. Nevertheless, the design can be individual – beyond the signature. Thus, the greetings can be supplemented by a handwritten quote, a personal footnote or a personal greeting. If you can not think of anything creative, simply thanks for the good cooperation and trust and wish you a Merry Christmas and good luck and success for the coming year.

A special feature is also Christmas greetings to customers, colleagues or employees who belong to another religion or culture because instead of the general motive, it is advisable to choose neutral neither Christmas cards, so neither Christian motives nor Santa Claus. In the greeting text, you can then also choose more neutral phrases and wish, for example, “quiet holidays” or “contemplative, relaxing days with the family”.

Finished Christmas cards are always sent in an envelope. The front side of the card is always facing the back of the envelope so that it can be seen first when opened. In addition, you should remember – as always as a sender on the back of the envelope. This offers the recipient directly the opportunity to thank or to reciprocate.

Christmas Gifts: Nice attention or tried bribe?

In addition to Christmas cards, Christmas presents to business partners, suppliers and customers in many companies are a good thing. What many see as a harmless tradition and gesture can certainly bring gifts and senders into distress, because the line between a kindly thoughtful attention and attempted bribery is fluid. The giving and receiving of gifts is therefore often a balancing act. After all, there are no legal value limits beyond which a gift is considered a bribe. However, some companies and associations have set up such rules for themselves and their members or employees.

Because the much quoted, tax value limit of 35 euros is not a reliable indicator. An example should make this clear: Anyone who gives away a bottle of champagne worth 25 euros during the Christmas season prior to placing an order can certainly be accused of attempted bribery and make himself liable to prosecution. It becomes particularly critical when the present goes to the responsible decision-maker and not to the entire department. In addition, gifts of money are taboo, while exclusive donations such as expensive tickets are still common. Here, however, the highest caution is required.